a bit about GG
Hi! My name is Grace Gillespie; self-taught fashion designer, sewer, stylist and lifestyle blogger. Welcome to the closest you will get to the inside of my brain!
First and foremost, I have never been one to stay inside the guided lines of life, or follow a path that I was told to go down. I knew from a very young age I was going to do something big and bold with my life. I thrive in challenging myself, and breaking outside of the box and I feel pride in being different. There has never been groundbreaking ideas, or monumental changes in this world by playing it safe. If we all stuck to only doing what was familiar to us, we would still be stuck in the stone ages. I am not saying I am going to change the world or anything (but I just might), however my goal is to create things that have never been seen before, and write things that make people think thoughts they never have before. I want to open up minds, I want to bring back more colour into this world, I want to encourage optimism. I want to inspire you.
This website will be filled with outfit inspiration, design and sewing how-tos, style guiding, virtual & laid back book club, my portfolio and what I am most excited for: my blog; which will be focused on but not limited to: mental health, fashion, life style, relationships, nutrition and well being.
I hope you enjoy (and if you don't then scram).

For collaborations, business inquiries, or to connect with Grace, please feel free to send a message to gracegillespie9@gmail.com or use the form below.