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what the hell is going on...?

Writer: Grace GillespieGrace Gillespie

I just need everyone to stop what they are doing and recognize that one of the most powerful people in the world, just did a N*zi Salute in front of the entire world to see at Trumps inauguration, and not one but two? Does he not understand how much that is hurting people? Do the people defending this not understand how deeply rooted that is in so many families and how much generational trauma it has caused? To answer my own question, I know these powerful people are aware of how much these words, actions, and new enforced orders are hurting people and they just don’t care. It is just hard for me to fathom it. I am so angry and it sickens me. I am scared for America, but really, it is much bigger than just America. Where is the humanity? If you supported Trump in 2017, if you support Trump now, or supported him anywhere in between, I beg of you to keep reading. In fact, I beg of everyone to keep reading regardless of where your emotions are floating right now. Regardless of where you reside, or what your political views are, or if you just really couldn’t care less to read on, I urge you to take 5-10 minutes from your day to read to the end. 

I am not an American resident, however my sibling and their partner both are, and are both LGBTQ+. My siblings pronouns are they/them, and Trump has just removed the option for them to publicly display that, and made it dangerous for them if they do. So yes, I am feeling feelings that have no words to put to them because my sibling has already been through enough shit just to simply be who they are. They paved the way for me to authentically be who I am without feeling ashamed about it, they have taught me the majority of what I know about being a deep down good human being, and having good, concrete morals that stem from a place of truth. They taught me the most about standing up for others. When I was first told by my sibling that they identified as they/them, I didn’t understand, as many of you probably don’t, unfortunately. It brought up these weird feelings of confusion, anger, ridicule; but why? What did they ever do to me? What does their identification have to even do with me? I wish I could go back and understand the way I do now, that these feelings were stemming from my subconscious due to the fear of losing my “sister”, and not understanding what non-binary really meant therefore being a burden for me to try and “cooperate”. I was mad that I would have to change something about my life, in order to respect them.

When you think about it, and I want you to really think about it and feel it, imagine the emotions that would arise when being told who you are isn’t acceptable, let alone people being angry with you, let alone your own family, the ones who are supposed to love you unconditionally. Think about what that does to someone and their heart and feelings of self worth. Selfish and closed minded is what I would call my reaction at that time, and it took me much longer than it ever should have to fully understand, but now that I do, I don’t want it to take others so long to get here, not to mention get here at all. The bottom line is this is who this person is, and they are just trying to happily live their lives. It is such a shameful privilege, that I cannot even believe I am writing in 2025, to mindlessly be able to express how much I love being a woman just because I was born a female, or to give my partner a long, passionate kiss in public because they are the opposite sex. We are all god damn human beings who were born on earth from a vagina. End of story. You aren’t better than someone because you are straight, you aren’t better than someone because you identify with the gender you were born with, you aren’t better than someone because you have more money, or if your skin colour is different, and you certainly aren’t better than someone because of where you were born in the world. Why can’t we all just find a little bit of compassion?

I can assume this is how Trump and anyone who supports him sees it, they feel a burden by how others choose to harmlessly live their lives. The burden isn’t one particular thing, and someone’s gender identity/sexual preference can trigger endless emotions in others, but none of these emotions actually have to do with the human beings who identify as anything other than male and female, or who they choose to be with. I sincerely would not be surprised if Trump has struggled with his sexuality, self-image, confidence, etc. because nobody would enforce this much limitation regarding people’s lives if it wasn’t threatening to him in some form. Maybe the burden is that he’s insecure and he would have to face that if he didn’t project it onto the world, maybe he himself is hiding a part of who he really is and was never able to express it and never will, and in turn he is jealous of people who can. It is exactly like a bully who only does it because they feel those things about themselves, or worse. Maybe Trump is enforcing so many orders that will rip families apart, cause so much heartache, and very well increase the number of deaths, because if he has no control or power then how does he define himself? It takes an immense amount of insecurity and fear to have this tight of a grip on control.

 If you think this is just about this new order, you are incorrect. All of these orders put in place, all happened in less than a week, and the result will be more impactful and dreadful for so many more people then you could ever imagine. This is just the beginning of four years. This will allow people who have a problem with anyone that is LGBTQ+, or people who have a problem with immigration, or minorities, to express themselves much more freely, and give them a bigger platform. Ignorance is not bliss when it comes to protecting people who have done nothing but want to be who they are, protect their families, protect themselves, and feel safe. Being a good person is not a sacrifice, and it is courageous to stand up for what is right. Politics is a whole other ball game, and I understand people not wanting to get caught up in it, but politics that put peoples lives in danger or take away the blatantly deserving rights of a human being, is no longer politics; it is power and control being taken advantage of, and it is going to have a detrimental effect. 

Choosing to turn a blind eye may work, until it starts affecting you and is no longer ignorable. I’m not telling you to go outside and yell and shout with a sign, or post constantly on social media, my only ask right now is to find compassion for the people hurting, open your eyes and look around you, just because it doesn’t resonate with you doesn’t mean that it doesn’t matter, or that you shouldn’t care. Nobody is just like you so try to understand each other, or be okay and content with not understanding. Just because of where you are, or who you are, or what your past is, or what your future is like, doesn’t mean the treatment should be any different. If you feel uncomfortable reading this then you know there is a part of you that knows what is happening isn’t right. Now is the time to find your solicitude. 



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